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Friday, 7 October 2011

How to Stop Oversleeping – 6 Steps to ‘Oversleeping Recovery’

How is the day going bro?..hope to be in good positions and under ALLAH's mercy all the time. Oversleeping is very famous among teenagers nowadays and I assume that we all are facing this situation every day in our new life after grading from Tahfiz Science College @ MTS. As you may know, my ‘oversleeping addiction’ was the reason I started posting this and I’m glad to be able to share my “6 steps recovery plan” with you. By this, we will be able to improve our life to be happier thus it may avoid us from being truant for our class  or kuliah. Hope you'll enjoy reading and practising these steps.. 
(If you just got here, you may want to first find outhow much sleep is too much, or learn more about the causes and effects of oversleeping).
Ready to begin?

Here’s How to Stop Oversleeping:

Step 1: Decide to ‘Wake Up’…
There’s no easier way to say it – Oversleeping is an escape mechanism. If you want to stop oversleeping, you’d have to figure out why some part of you chooses to stay in bed. Confront it. Then decide to deal with it, instead of running away from it by oversleeping.
Step 2: Get Motivated to Stop Oversleeping
  • Come up with at least one strong reason WHY you want to stop oversleeping. Be as specific as you can. It might help to write it down and read it to yourself daily.
  • Change your attitude toward sleep. If you “love to sleep”, you have to start thinking about sleep as something you must do in order to survive. Nothing more.
  • Stop making excuses like – “I need more sleep than the average person”. You should be convinced that you can sleep less and have more energy than you have now, which is most likely true.
Step 3: Commit to a Steady Sleep Schedule
It’s best if you can go to sleep and wake up at the same times every day. At least do you best to wake up at the same time, no matter how long you had slept…
Put the clock away from bed, set a wake up call, ask someone to throw you out of bed, whatever you need to do to make sure you wake up on time.
Step 4: Improve your sleep
There are many simple things you can do to get high quality sleep, which will allow you to get more energy from less sleep.
Download the Quick Start Guide to Sleep Optimization (free!) to get some of my best tips for getting the most energy from your sleep.
Step 5: Reduce sleep gradually
  • If you sleep 10 hours every night, don’t move to 7 hours all at once. Reduce 30-60 minutes every week or so.
  • Don’t beat yourself up when you fail, because it might only make things worse. Just learn from your mistakes and come up with a plan for the next day.
Step 6: Raise your physical and mental energy
In other words – ‘sleep less and live more’, Seriously. Start working on changing your habits, lifestyle and mindset – eat well, exercise, think more positively, set some goals… get back your zest for life!!

From us with love..

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